The Ultimate Guide to gemstone

Moss Agate is type of Chalcedony that is usually creamy colored with greenish inclusions that look like moss, plants or grass.

Disclaimer: Our information about crystal healing is meant to sooth mental stress, promote emotional wellbeing, and aid spiritual epxloration. Gemstones and healing crystals are not a substitute for medical care.

This black gemstone has a calming effect on the mind, protecting us from nightmares, eliminating unwanted fantasies and wavering thoughts, and making it a source of strength and serenity.

Rose quartz displaying asterism or the star effect is rare. The unique soft pink color of rose quartz is thought to be caused by tiny traces of titanium.

It can transmute negative or stagnate energies into positive energy like a sunny day lifts the spirits. In this way it can be protective, letting you carry around a bubble of sunshine wherever you go.

Uvarovite is a very rare member of the large and varied garnet family. It is a type of striking emerald-green garnet that occurs as very small crystals and also as a coating of very tiny crystals on the surface of a matrix (host rock), known as drusy or druzy.

Ruby is the red variety of corundum, the 2nd hardest substance on the Mohs scale, with a rating of 9. It is the combination of hardness and rich color that makes fine ruby so valuable.

Ametrine combines the healing properties of Amethyst and Citrine, two of the most powerful onyx western healing crystals you can work with. Ametrine helps you find clarity, make decisions, and move forward powerfully in alignment with your spiritual path.

Topaz is an important gem due to its hardness and high refractive index. Topaz comes in many colors and blue topaz is especially popular.

The labradorite is able to block all negative thoughts by providing mental protection. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue.

A recent discovery (1966), gaspeite is a very rare nickel carbonate mineral named after the place in Eastern copyright where it was first described.

Dendritic chalcedony is a whitish-gray or colorless chalcedony with fern-like inclusions known as dendrites. The inclusions look like plant material, but they are actually iron or manganese.

Legrandite is a very soft gemstone with intense lemon yellow color that is most used as collectors stone.

Diamonds are widely known as the hardest material ever discovered by humans, and subsequently, the diamond symbolizes the unbreakable durability of a bond.

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